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Simply say “I LOVE YOU” and it can be directed towards yourself, your family, to God, your body, the air you breathe, your home, your pet, or your struggles. Repeat I love you as many times as you feel it, love is the most powerful thing, nothing trumps love.
Own you are responsible for all in your experience, when you believe that, its easy to feel sorry. Some empaths hear of a tragedy and remorse that something in their consciousness created that idea, and this does not mean punish yourself, it means forgive yourself. Sometimes this step is painful, or we resist accepting responsibility, but just stick to the practice and in time you will see results, or begin by choosing something you “know” you’ve caused alone. Addicted to food, nicotine, alcohol? Anger issues? Start with one of those and say your sorry for whatever it is.
Simply say “Please Forgive Me” as many times as you feel and truly mean it, feel it, think of the remorse from saying “I’m Sorry.” It does not matter who you’re asking to forgive you, you’re just letting God, the Universe, and your own mind know you would like forgiveness.
Say “Thank You” and it doesn’t really matter who or what you’re thanking. Thank yourself for doing your best, thank God, the Universe, or whatever that forgives you. Yourself even! Just say thank you.
Dr. Len states, “the purpose in our lives is the restoration of our Identity — our Mind — back to its original state of void or zero (Buddha), of purity of heart (Jesus) and of blank (Shakespeare) through nonstop cleaning. It is in the void, at zero, Divine Love resides, providing inspiration for perfect relationships, perfect health and perfect wealth. The responsibility and the function of the Conscious Mind (Intellect) is to initiate the cleaning, to care for the Subconscious, teach it the cleansing process and to ask Divinity for directions. The Conscious Mind is clueless as to what memories are replaying (11,000,000 per second) in the Subconscious. ONLY DIVINE LOVE CAN TRANSMUTE TOXIC MEMORIES TO PURE ENERGIES. DIVINE LOVE IS THE ONLY SOURCE OF INSPIRATION AND ENLIGHTENMENT! The Conscious Mind does not perform these functions! The Subconscious, as the super computer, is the key in the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono cleansing process. If loved and cared for, the Subconscious becomes an ally, cleansing nonstop even as we sleep.”
Dr. Len has collaborated with thousands, and great mystics like Michael Bernard Beckwith of Agape, Tony Robbins and Joe Vital teach Dr. Len’s work around the world.
倫博士指出:“我們生活的目的是通過不斷清洗,使我們的身份(我們的思想)恢復到其原始的虛無或零狀態(佛),內心純潔(耶穌)和空白(莎士比亞) 。神聖之愛在空虛中零落,為完美的人際關係,完美的健康和完美的財富提供靈感。意識(智力)的責任和功能是發起清潔,照顧潛意識,教導其清潔過程並向神性尋求指導。對於潛意識中正在回放的記憶(每秒11,000,000),意識意識毫無頭緒。只有神的愛才能轉移有毒的記憶,以淨化能量。神的愛是靈感和啟示的唯一來源!意識不執行這些功能!作為超級計算機,潛意識是通過Ho’oponopono清潔過程進行自我I識別的關鍵。如果受到愛戴和照顧,潛意識將成為一個盟友,即使我們入睡也可以不間斷地清洗。”
Len博士與數千人合作,Agape的Michael Bernard Beckwith,Tony Robbins和Joe Vital等偉大的神秘主義者教Len博士在世界各地開展工作。
by Erica Cornwall